Jeff Avery's Blog Ramblings of a Madman

Birth of the world’s ugliest DS Lite

May 23, 2008 | Geek Stuff | Permalink

As promised the follow-up story to Death of a DS is here. The…..procedure? went mostly OK I will brief you on the “mostly” part in a bit. Overall I am not very impressed with the case but what do you want for thirty bucks right? I will say this though, I ordered it on Friday and it landed on my door Monday afternoon so kudos on shipping. I was going to bore you with insanely detailed photos of the process but in light of this guy I chose to bow out gracefully and just include some basic shots.

The swap was pretty easy except for a couple parts that I mention below with the photos. I do like the final puke green color (looks more yellow in the photos) but the case feels a bit cheap. I will probably pick up a busted DS on Craig’s List some time in the future and swap back to the original case. Maybe I’ll leave one green part on just to be annoying, we’ll see.

The only area that I had much grief with was the ribbon cable from the top LCD panel. I did not realize that there was actually a release on it (I know there usually is some sort of release but I had never run across one like this before). I drew a red line on the pic below where it is if that helps. It just flips up taking the pressure off of the ribbon cable. Needless to say once I realized this putting the cable back was much easier than removing it.

It arrives:
New in the box

This is where I realize that its basically a budget plastic case that someone has spray painted:
Lets tear it up

OK, now I’m starting to panic:
How does this all fit together?

Here is the system board up close if your interested:
System board in old case

Here is the ribbon cable with the release flap highlighted:
The red line is the cable release

Here is the bottom LCD:
Almost completely broken

Top Removed:
Top is removed

Inside the top LCD:
Inside the top LCD

Old Bottom:
Old base

New Bottom:
New base

New Top:
Top LCD finished from behind

New Top Assembled:
New top assembled

Starting to come together:
Almost done

Top is done:
New Top

New system board:
System board in new case

You always have some left over parts right?:
Spare Parts

Assembled and together:
Well, it looks good but does it work?

Assembled and together:
What a great color eh?

Moment of truth…….drum roll………
Believe it or not

One final warning: Notice the date in the picture above? Don’t think I didn’t turn on Animal Crossing to some serious weeds DOH! Looks like my rush to see the outcome will cost me some AC cleanup.


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